Frequently Asked Questions


Erroneous structures

Our structure library is partially based on algorithms that only work well for organic molecules. For some molecules, such as SF4, the computed structure does not match VSEPR theory. We are working on a comprehensive solution. In the meantime you can switch the resolver to Online (4th button in the viewer toolbar).

New Features

Comparing structures

You can compare different 3D models, for example from stereoisomers, by drawing them next to each other in the sketcher. The viewer will show the two 3D models in the same order as you draw them (a different axis may be used to split the viewer depending on your screen ratio).

Lewis structures

You can annotate atoms with dots to indicate radicals or lone pairs. To add or remove dots, activate the Electron Dots tool in the left sketcher toolbar.

Reaction mechanisms

Drawing reactions and reaction mechanisms is not yet supported, but planned for future development.

Deprecated Features

Protein viewer

Crystal lattice viewer